New Roads as proposed in adopted Master Plan, 10th February 2023 . The information was not included in the Draft Master Plan placed on public exhibition and entail part of the bold tourism agenda focusing on Development Precincts within South Head National Park.
The recent State Heritage Listing “does not prevent appropriate future development of the South Head Cultural Landscape, including new buildings or changes in use,” the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has stated.
The recently adopted – [as at 10 Feb 2023] NSW NPWS South Head Masterplan enables the Minister for Planning and Environment to permit infrastructure works [ie new roads and buildings] within this Sydney Harbour National Parkland under a bold tourism agenda – which could result in more vehicles as well as negative impacts on the wildlife corridor at this National landmark site.
Under Strickland House Estate & Nielsen Parks’ draft soon-to-be finalised Masterplan, the same is likely to occur.
Previous development proposals of South Head have failed, met by vigilant responses by communities Australia wide as well as locally, resulting in the successful preservation of this area until now.
The Sydney community is greatly concerned about the proposed increase in vehicle access to South Head National Park. We are concerned for the impact on amenity and safety for recreational users and wildlife within the iconic National Park.
We welcome accessibility upgrades to the existing walking trails.